
Why Are My Limes So Hard?

Q. Please tell me why our 12 year old lime tree only ever gets
hard limes. They have never softened up. We grow them in the desert.

I don’t know which lime you have and there is no reason that would be obvious
why limes would not ripen in a desert climate. The biggest problems with lime
is its sensitivity to cold or freeze damage. If that doesn’t happen, then it
should be fine as it is grown in warm desert spots throughout the desert
Mexican lime does not ripen until September or possibly early October. The
Bearss or Persian lime ripens in June or possibly early July. 

Usually when we
talk about limes it is the smaller Mexican lime we refer to in home yards. The
limes in the grocery store are a larger lime, oftentimes nearly seedless, and it
is the Bearss, Persian or Tahiti lime. The Key lime is more tart than the
Bearss lime. Persian lime is a bit easier to grow and pick because it is
relatively thornless compared to other limes.

limes are picked when their background color turns from dark green to a lighter
green. The Persian lime will turn yellow when ripe, so yellow they can be
confused with a lemon because of their larger size and yellow color. Pick them
before they fall off the tree but when they soften a bit when you squeeze them.
I am thinking you are picking too early. Wait until they start to fall from the
tree this time, mark your calendar and next year work backwards from that date
and pick them about two weeks prior.

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