
Why Are My Tomatoes Not Ripening?

cool weather has caused some unusual plant problems we normally do not see in
the hot desert. One reader contacted me to let me know that his tomatoes were
not quite the size of a tennis ball, still green and didn’t seem to be growing
Tomato growth and fruit ripening slow during cool night temperatures
            Another reader
told me his newly planted grapes were not growing. Both readers wanted to know
what to do.
answer to both is to wait. Both of these plants love warm weather. In fact,
grapes love the heat. Our nighttime temperatures have been in the 50s and 60s.
Most plant growth occurs at night, not during the day. Tomato gets chilling
injury at 45° F.

Be patient. It will get hot.
Tomatoes will ripen. Grapes will grow an inch every 1 to 2 days when
temperatures are above 100° F. All we need are warm night temperatures.

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