
Woody Suckers in Lawn Can Be Eliminated

Picture of weed from reader which I could not identify

Q.  Can you identify and tell us how to kill forever a noxious weed that is single stem, upright, red thorns every few inches. I hope the picture I sent is good enough. Roots are woody and thick to 1 inch in diameter.  Roots run across and under my son’s entire lawn and fairly deep.  Suckers keep coming up.  I would love to kill it forever without digging up the whole lawn. 

A. I couldn’t tell from the picture. The description doesn’t sound familiar but it sounds like a woody plant that suckers from the roots. I am assuming they are coming from a woody plant close by, a neighbor’s yard perhaps.

            Any lawn weed killer that has dicamba or Banvel in the ingredients will work. This can be applied directly to the lawn without hurting the grass but will damage or kill woody plants and weeds that are not grasses. This will require multiple applications to keep killing new sprouts as they appear.

            You will see more suckers as you use this product and it may seem like it stimulated their growth but it has not. It has caused them to sucker more below ground due to the death of the existing suckers above ground.

            Repeat applications will exhaust the reserve of woody growth under the lawn until they finally stop coming up. But you must stay on top of them with this weed killer for at least one season.

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