
Xtremehorticulture of the Desert Exceeds 20,000 Hits per Month

I am excited that my blog now consistently exceeds 20,000 hits or visitors each month. My blog is my way of paying back to southern Nevada residents for all their support over the last 30 years in my tenure with the University of Nevada. I have learned alot about horticulture over the years teaching and conducting research in southern Nevada. It is a shame to retire and have that information retire with me.

I hope you can use the information I am providing and, in the process, make you better gardeners and horticulturists.

I have returned from my assignment in Northern Afghanistan and I am excited to share some of what I learned there. I was concerned sharing much at that time due to security issues. Any pictures of individuals who worked with me there must have their faces blurred for obvious security reasons. Please bear with me when I share these experiences. Northern Afghanistan’s climate is very similar to southern Nevada and their crops and planting schedules were nearly identical to ours. So stay tuned. More to come.

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