National Organic Program Alert on Fraudulent Organic Certificates
NOP Posts Fraudulent Organic Certificates The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP) is alerting the organic trade about the presence of fraudulent organic certificates. Fraudulent organic certificates listing the following businesses are in use and have been reported to the NOP: Chia-Brand LLC Mult Blindagem LTDA (Certificate No. 53540-12) Worldwide Wholesale Warehouse, Inc. (Certificate No. 51368-13) Supattra Import & Export Co., LTD Multi Purpose Trade Marketing PTY LTD Desert Harvest, Inc. Yunnan Dianhong Group Co. Ltd. Review these and other fraudulent certificates online at: Fraudulent Organic Certificates. These certificates falsely represent agricultural products as certified organic under the USDA organic regulations, violating the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. Fraudulent certificates may have been created and used without the knowledge of the operator or the certifying agent named in the certificate. For more information on this subject Visit here
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