
Fertilizer and Water Improves Nut Yield in Stone Pines

Mineral fertilization and irrigation effects on fruiting and growth in stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) crop V. Loewe A. Alvarez M. Balzarini C. Delard R. Navarro-Cerrillo3 Subscribe to ResearchGate and read the entire text here What is already known on this subject? This is the first study on fertilization and irrigation in an adult intensive P. pinea plantation, providing a first management proposal for the species. What are the new findings? Fertilization enhanced fruit production (›82.3%) and vegetative growth while irrigation enhanced only fruiting. Best fruit production was recorded in fertilized and irrigated plots (›60%). What is the expected impact on horticulture? Pine nuts can be produced in orchards applying horticulture techniques as in other fruit crops, improving production quality and quantity, overcoming the traditional view as a non-timber forest product (NTFP). Summary Introduction  – Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) is a species of economic interest for its pine nuts. Despite this market, cones are harvested mostly from natural forests. Advances in semi-intensive or intensive management for cultivating it as a fruit tree have been scarce. Fruit development is characterized by a 3-year cycle since pollination to harvesting, making nutritional and hydric management highly challenging. Materials and methods – We studied the main and interaction effects of fertilization and irrigation on growth and fruiting by a factorial design laid out in an adult stone pine plantation located in central Chile. Results and discussion – Mineral fertilization had an effect one year later on height growth (+23.5% increase) and one-year-old conelet production (+82.3% increase). After two consecutive years of mineral fertilization, significant positive impacts on diameter growth, height growth and one-year-old conelet production were observed. Irrigation enhanced fruiting but did not impact growth significantly. The highest conelet number was observed in the fertilized and irrigated experimental plots. Conclusion  Both cultural practices, applied either individually or combined, are efficient techniques to enhance fruit production of the stone pine. ve). This research accessed from North Carolina State University’s AgriFoodGateway

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Fruit Tree Pruning Focuses on Structure the First 2 Years

When I teach fruit tree pruning I divide the lessons into 2 major categories; pruning the tree for structure and pruning the tree for production.I usually give myself 3 years to establish the tree canopy. I gradually coach the tree into producing fruit by pruning.Right after planting and during the first year it’s all about developing the right structure. Fruit tree pruning classes and other classes are announced on Eventbrite/Bob Morris/Las Vegas Three Year Progression on Pruning Year 1:90% focus on establishing the structure. Year 2: 50% on correcting tree structure and 50% focus on future production Year 3: 10% focus on structure and 90% focus on production You have 2 choices about which type of structure you want to give your fruit tree in commercial orchards; open center or modified central leader. Open center pruning on pluot Open Center Fruit Tree Structure The open center structure is usually applied to peach and nectarine. While modified central leader is applied to many apples and pears. The end result is the same where pruning results in more sunlight entering the canopy of the tree. If sunlight is blocked from entering inside the tree canopy, it can result in fruits produced only on the perimeter of the canopy and not throughout it. This results in a higher percentage of fruit with sunburn and overall lower quality. Fruit Tree Pruning Focuses on Structure the First 2 Years

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Which Fertilizer to Use on My Fruit Trees and Grapes?

Q. I wonder what fertilizer you recommend for my fruit trees? The young trees I recently planted in my small orchard are: plum, peach, apricot, lemon, pomegranate, plus several table grape vines. A. Lisa. Rather than just tell you what I would use, let me give you a little background on fertilizer selection. To select the right fertilizer I am supposed to tell you that you should test your soil for nutrients first and then make your selection of fertilizer based upon the test results. That’s the right answer but it’s not always the most cost effective thing to do if you will have only a few trees. The soil test would cost about $75. You can buy a lot of fertilizer for $75. It makes sense to do this if you are a farmer and spending thousands of dollars on fertilizers and you want to get the most “bang for your buck” but for homeowners it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Mineral or Conventional Fertilizers A reader applied wood chips around the base of the tree covering the area outlined by the tree canopy. Bender board is used in a circle to keep the wood chips away from the tree trunk while it is small.I suggest the wood chips should be at least 4 inches deep covering the soil around the fruit tree. Most of our soils will support the use of mineral fertilizers from a bag for many years if we have the soil covered with wood chips that slowly decompose in the irrigated areas. If the fruit trees are surrounded by rock on the surface of the soil than the proper fertilizer selection becomes more critical. Let’s say you have your fruit trees surrounded by woodchips. Fruit trees planted in lawns could be put into this category as well. Just be careful of irrigating the 2 together because they have different water requirements. If the trees are surrounded by rock instead of woodchips, they are growing in the soil that’s more similar to hydroponics. Fertilizer selection is more critical when fruit trees are surrounded by rock. Numbers on the Bag of Fertilizer Mineral fertilizers have 3 numbers on the bag. If the fruit trees are less than 3 years old, use a fertilizer that has the first and third numbers highest. The middle number, phosphorus, can be lower than the other 2. If the fruit trees are starting to produce fruit, use a fertilizer that has all 3 numbers the same value. Use this fertilizer only once at the beginning of the growing season and apply it about 2 weeks before the flowers appear. In Las Vegas, this would be about the middle of January to 1 February. For grapes, this would be about a month later. Bag of conventional fertilizer called to Flower Power with 3 numbers denoting nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium Application of fertilizer is frequent enough unless you have very sandy soils. But if you decide to make a second application, and the trees are surrounded by wood chips that are decomposing, only apply a high nitrogen fertilizer. This would be a fertilizer that has only the first number on the bag and the other 2 are zeros. Another mineral or conventional fertilizer that contains only nitrogen as a plant nutrient source. This type of fertilizer should be applied less often and in smaller amounts because it doesn’t last long in the soil. Phosphorus Phosphorus, the middle number on the fertilizer bag, sticks in the soil a lot longer than the other 2. Phosphorus is the only one of the 3 listed on the bag that can create some problems in the future if this mineral is continuously applied, over and over. This is the reason I recommend that people have 2 mineral fertilizers on hand. One fertilizer high in phosphorus, the middle number. And the other one high in nitrogen, the first number. The last number, potassium, should be as high as possible in both fertilizers. Potassium is a little bit more difficult to find in bags of fertilizers. Compost As a Fertilizer Substitute When you use a rich compost, it has all of the nutrients present. It is applied in a circle around the tree, about a foot away from the trunk or more, and watered, or lightly dug, into the soil. Rich compost is a very nice fertilizer and gently releases the nutrients to the plants over a long period of time. It is really my favorite to use but a good compost rich in nutrients is hard to find.  When adding compost as a fertilizer, use a rich compost and keep it away from the trunk of the fruit tree at least 12 inches away. Viragrow in North Las Vegas is the only place I know in Las Vegas that carries a rich compost like this. It is applied as a substitute to the first of fertilizer application. A second application is never needed and may even extend into the second growing year if enough is applied.

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Changing from Lawn to Desert Landscape

Q. After 6 years of trying to have a beautiful lawn in Las Vegas, I finally give up. The water company has offered me $3/foot to convert to water smart landscaping. What should I do? Do I add more rocks and plants? Artificial turf? What trees should I use, if any? A. If you do nothing else after removing the lawn, plant some trees or large shrubs that shade to the West and South exterior walls and windows of your home. This will help reduce air conditioning costs during the summer. These plants should be deciduous, in other words drop their leaves for the winter. Shade South and West Walls             Select trees that grow to about the same height as your home. Avoid trees that grow huge. They use more water and don’t really provide any extra savings in air-conditioning costs. A two-story house can handle bigger trees so in your case these should be deciduous trees so they drop their leaves in the winter and allows sunlight to warm the house. I will get back to you with some recommendations on some plants. Sometimes just a vine on a trellis is enough to shade a wall or entrance from the hot sun. Choose Desert Trees I would steer you towards trees that are adapted to desert environments, in other words, “desert trees”.Regardless of the trees you select, plant them a distance from your home no closer than half of their mature height. Plant them no closer together than this either. Dig the holes for the trees at least 3 times the width of their container and no deeper. Smaller trees establish more quickly and grow more rapidly in the beginning than larger trees. Irrigate the soil around plant roots no closer than 3 foot away from the foundation of the home. Many desert trees have excellent form and good looks like this Mesquite in this desert landscape. Fake Grass Has Pluses and Minuses             Personally, I don’t care for artificial grass unless it’s used for a specific purpose other than just covering the ground. It gets terribly hot during the summer if it’s in the sun and requires upkeep. If you go in that direction, start asking some questions because it is not maintenance-free. I wouldn’t use artificial turf unless you have a reason to put it in. Aesthetics, or just looking at it, is not a good reason to install it. It’s in the sunlight it gets exceedingly hot during the months of about April through September. It starts cooling down sometime in mid-to-late October for the fall months. If the air temperature is about 105° F, and the sun is shining directly on it, the surface temperature of your artificial grass will be about 165° F. I know because I’ve measured it. Some artificial lawns look very realistic but they will be also more expensive. Suggestions Start appreciating open spaces. That’s what concerns water deserts is open areas. Don’t fill the entire landscape area with plants. Learn to appreciate what is called “negative space”. Shade the walls and windows of your home on the south and west sides. With a two-story home this requires trees 25 to 40 feet tall. Don’t plant anything closer to the house than 3 feet from it. Apply the irrigation on the side of the plants away from the house or any cement surface such as patios, driveways, sidewalks, etc. Think of your landscape plants in multiple layers; the tall ones, the medium-sized once, small ones and groundcovers and vines. Odd numbers of plants are usually more appealing to the eye than even numbers up to about 7 plants. Above that number, the eye doesn’t seem to notice the difference. Repeat plants through your landscape to provide some continuity and rhythm. There is no need for every plant to be different from each other. Repetition or repeating plants is a good thing and landscape design.

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Vine Ripened Tomatoes Not Necessarily Healthier

Dynamic Changes in Health-Promoting Properties and Eating Quality During Off-Vine Ripening of Tomatoes Authors:  Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui Isabel Lara Riadh Ilahy Imen Tlili Asgar Ali Fozia Homa Kamlesh Prasad Vinayak Deshi Marcello Salvatore Lenucci Chafik Hdider Publisher: Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety      Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) fruit is rich in various nutrients, vitamins and health-promoting molecules. Fresh tomatoes are an important part of the Mediterranean gastronomy, and their consumption is thought to contribute substantially to the reduced incidence of some chronic diseases in the Mediterranean populations in comparison with those of other world areas. Unfortunately, tomato fruit is highly perishable, resulting in important economic losses and posing a challenge to storage, logistic and supply management. This review summarizes the current knowledge on some important health-promoting and eating quality traits of tomato fruits after harvest and highlights the existence of substantial cultivar-to-cultivar variation in the postharvest evolution of the considered traits according to maturity stage at harvest and in response to postharvest manipulations. It also suggests the need for adapting postharvest procedures to the characteristics of each particular genotype to preserve the optimal quality of the fresh product.  Author’s Conclusions The authors concluded that some of the health benefits and eating qualities provided by tomatoes increase when ripened off the vine and some decrease. It is not all bad as we are led to believe sometimes. The authors remind us that the health benefits depend upon varieties of tomato that have high health benefits in its genetics. Some tomatoes are healthier for us than others and that is not necessarily dictated by when it’s picked Vine Ripened Tomatoes Not Necessarily Healthierand storage conditions. If you want a good tomato for health benefits, choose a variety that has high health benefits to begin with. During off-vine ripening of tomato, most health attributes increase as well as eating quality. Tomato fruit is subjected to complex changes during ripening and postharvest affecting bioactive molecules and health-promoting properties, physical and eating quality-related attributes. Storage effects on tomato quality will also depend mostly on the applied treatment and temperature. Generally high quality is obtained under low storage temperature and mild storage treatment. All the above -reported changes are aiming to accumulate health-promoting compounds during ripening and to preserve as long as possible the shelf-life of the fruit during postharvest storage of tomato fruits under various conditions. To read this article in entirety Click Here Thanks to AgriFoodGateway at North Carolina State University for making these publications available.

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Leaves Browning on Palm May Be Lack of Water

Q. I moved here a year ago and have yet to figure out what this tree needs to thrive.  I located and uncovered the drippers to make sure it was getting enough water.  I removed a lantana and a Mexican bird of paradise that I thought might be robbing it of moisture.  I think I may need to rake back the rock and provide mulch around the base. It puts out new growth, but it soon turns brown and the tree looks pretty sad.  I thought that leaving a few of the dead fronds may provide the new growth with shade.  So far that hasn’t helped. The tree is in the east side of the house and gets morning sun.  It is shaded by the house to the west and a large palo verde tree on the south side of the house.  Any help would be a life-saver.  My other palms seem to be thriving, but this little guy is sick. A. It looks like a windmill palm. What I’m looking at looks exactly like a lack of water. I hope you are not watering every day. You should give plants like this a long burst of water and then hold off before you water again. In the summer this might be 2 or 3 days apart. In the winter this could be a a week to 10 days apart.  Windmill Palm and Drought Windmill Palm will have leaf scorch a little bit in our climate but not that much. If that exposure is on the south or west side of the house it’s probably a bad location for it because of the heat reflected off of the house and also the rock below the palm. That location can be very hot.  What Todo You can get some of that leaf scorch to disappear by adding more drip emitters around the palm and making sure that it gets enough water. I am guessing that your palm should receive about 15 gallons each time it’s watered. I would have at least 4 drip emitters under that palm, located about 18 inches from the trunk. The amount of water depends on how many minutes the drip operates. Let’s say you have it watering for 60 minutes. Then you would need for drip emitters that are 4 gallons per hour located under the palm tree. If your system is on for 30 minutes then I would have 6 drip emitters under the canopy and these are the 5 gallon per hour. Another alternative is to not use drip emitters but a coil of drip tubing circling the tree.  .Let’s again say you are running it for 60 minutes. This tubing would be connected to your irrigation supply line and be about 15 feet long. The tubing would have emitters embedded in the tubing 1 foot apart and they would be 1 gallon per hour emitters. If you are watering for 30 minutes, then use a coil 30 feet long circling the Palm multiple times. The tubing would be put under the rock. In any regard, the problem appears to be not enough water is being applied.

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Desert Horticulture Podcast: Citrus, Landscape Fabric, Lawn Failure

Join Bob Morris’ Podcast on Desert Horticulture This podcast includes discussions of questions posted previously on this blog. The topics of this podcast are: Why did my Meyers lemon not produce fruit this year Why did my Lisbon lemon stop producing fruit when I planted it from a whiskey barrel? Should I use landscape fabric when installing desert landscaping? After 6 years of having a lawn, the homeowner gave up and replaced it with desert landscaping

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January Freeze May Eliminate Some Citrus Fruit

           I know I will get questions sent to me why their lemon or grapefruit did not produce any fruit this year. They will say, “The tree grew great, but it didn’t produce any fruit!” We had a pretty good freeze in parts of the Valley recently. If your lemon tree or other citrus had flowers, or very small fruit at that time, then that’s why. Freeze Tolerance of Flowers vs Tree             Citrus, the entire tree itself, is tender to freezing temperatures in the first place. It’s considered subtropical. The most tolerance to freezing temperatures starts with kumquat, then Myers lemon, grapefruit, followed by some of the oranges, true lemons and finally limes. Freezing damage results in temperatures ranging from about 22° F to 32° F.             As soon as growth begins, tolerance to freezing temperatures decreases in entire trees. This holds true of all fruit trees. There is no temperature discrimination when the tree is flowering. All fruit tree flowers and young fruit, whether they are apple or citrus, will die when it freezes. Freezing occurs at 32° F. No exception.             All flowers are tender to freezing temperatures. All fruit trees flowering during freezing temperatures result in dead flowers and no fruit. The tree survives at 32° F, but the flowers don’t. Young fruit trees are more sensitive to cold temperatures than older ones. Wind Makes Freezes Worse             Add a light wind to this formula, flowers and fruit for that year are history. There is a debate whether plants succumb to “wind chill” like humans and animals. Let the debate rage. But I guarantee you, if there is wind associated with any freezing temperature, there is more damage than if there were no wind at all. Protect food production areas of the landscape from wind.             You are lucky. If you don’t like a cold north wind, you go inside the house and get warm. Plants can’t. They must “suffer” through it. Therefore, let them occupy protected spaces in the landscape and they will be more productive and produce better quality food. Arizona State University’s citrus variety descriptions and harvest times.             Remember, there are microclimates in a landscape. South and west sides are warmer locations than north and east sides of the home. Protect the tree from wind and you have a nice small, warm microclimate that produces better food.

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Windbreak Establishment for Gardens in Pahrump, Nevada

Q. I am a recent transplant to Pahrump, Nevada, from Idaho where I was a master gardener. I have an acre property of bare dirt and want to plant all sorts of edibles from tree fruits to vegetables. But first I want to plant a windbreak around the perimeter of my property. I need some advice on how to start.  A. As you will find out as you talk to more people in the Pahrump area and those that are gardening you will see the temperature in the winter time is one of your major limiting factors. Trees that do not survive below temperatures of 15 or even 10 degrees Fahrenheit during the winter time are not good choices for you so that might eliminate pomegranates, figs, etc. The Windbreak      Let’s start with the windbreak. I would caution you about is planting a perimeter around your property for a Windbreak. I think some people are making a mistake when they do that with their property. I understand the reason for defining it with some sort of wall but I think that’s the wrong approach if you are thinking about a Windbreak. Diagram of a living windbreak. Area A is the area of competition and equal to about the same height as the plants in the windbreak. This is competition for sunlight, water, etc. B is the “quiet zone” and maybe 5 times the height of the windbreak or even more. This area is the best area for food crops. The overall effects from a windbreak could be up to 30 times it’s height.      A key component of a windbreak is how much area it modifies. I would suggest for you that you determine which direction winds are coming from that are your primary problems. Put windbreaks as close to your growing area as possible. The most effective when brakes allow about 20% of the wind to penetrate it through and into the growing area. They don’t block wind as much as they slow it so it decreases the damage.      Buy  an inexpensive recording temperature device such as this Taylor instrument available on Amazon. You can get them for less than $15. Consider Non-living Windbreaks int the Desert      I would also suggest that you consider nonliving windbreaks around growing areas, particularly around the vegetable and Herb growing areas. These could be things like chain link fence with PVC slats throat through them if you want to put something up that’s relatively expensive. Or it can be as simple as reed fencing.      The area affected by the windbreak is about equal to 5 – 10 times its height. You can see that if you were to plant around your perimeter for a windbreak it won’t be very effective because the distance is too far from the growing areas. Plus, if you were to grow big plants on the perimeter they are just going to use a lot more water than a nonliving or even a living when brake that’s closer to the growing area. Plus nonliving windbreaks have a smaller area of competition.      For sure, growing areas are more productive with better quality produce if they have a windbreak. But that windbreak should be as close to the growing area as possible if it’s to be effective. Otherwise you’re just growing plants on the perimeter of your property that don’t do much good. And you have to water them.      So I hope you will rethink the windbreak options that you would have on your property before you start investing in some plant materials and irrigation to support it. As far as growing during the growing season which is probably behind Las Vegas about 3 to 4 weeks. Soil Amendments and Sun Shade Cloth in the Desert      Some of your big problems in growing will will be the use of soil amendments more than you did an Idaho and learning when to irrigate at the right time.      Sun protection may be a problem for some vegetables because the sunlight here is more intense than it was in Idaho. So some vegetables will perform better under light shade cloth, about 20 to 30% shade and no more than that.      I will forward to you some contact information on some good growers in Pahrump and start picking their brain. Start with the Pahrump Farmers Market people and get to know them in particular Cherri and her group who are very active in the gardening community there.      You can always send me some questions to verify some information or if you don’t find the information you need. Pahrump have some pretty good soils compared to Las Vegas but that winter low temperature is a major barrier that you have to consider.

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