finished pruning the 300+ desert and juice grapes at The Orchard at Ahern
located in downtown Las Vegas on March 8. New growth was just starting on a few
of the vines.
finished pruning the 300+ desert and juice grapes at The Orchard at Ahern
located in downtown Las Vegas on March 8. New growth was just starting on a few
of the vines.
Grape Disease Control
I delay pruning grapes as long as possible in the spring to
reduce disease possibilities and avoid any late spring frost damage after
pruning. Immediately after pruning grapes, consider applying a fungicide to the
vines if there were problems with grape bunches diseases last year. Repeat the
fungicide application if it rains. For homeowners I would consider using Bordeaux fungicide.
reduce disease possibilities and avoid any late spring frost damage after
pruning. Immediately after pruning grapes, consider applying a fungicide to the
vines if there were problems with grape bunches diseases last year. Repeat the
fungicide application if it rains. For homeowners I would consider using Bordeaux fungicide.
Effective fungicide sprays include the copper fungicides such as Bordeaux for homeowners. Fungicides primarily protect new growth from getting infections primarily through the pruning cuts.
Unlike insecticides like Sevin or even organic soap and water sprays which kill insects, fungicides primarily “contain” diseases and help keep these diseases from spreading to new growth. That’s why it’s important to repeat it after a rain which can wash the fungicide from the vine.
Grapes Bleed
normal for grapes to “bleed” after they have been pruned in the spring. Don’t
worry. Water will stop coming from the pruning cuts when new growth appears.
normal for grapes to “bleed” after they have been pruned in the spring. Don’t
worry. Water will stop coming from the pruning cuts when new growth appears.