
Fruit Tree Pruning Focuses on Structure the First 2 Years

When I teach fruit tree pruning I divide the lessons into 2 major categories; pruning the tree for structure and pruning the tree for production.I usually give myself 3 years to establish the tree canopy. I gradually coach the tree into producing fruit by pruning.Right after planting and during the first year it’s all about developing the right structure.

Fruit tree pruning classes and other classes are announced on Eventbrite/Bob Morris/Las Vegas

Three Year Progression on Pruning

Year 1:90% focus on establishing the structure.
Year 2: 50% on correcting tree structure and 50% focus on future production
Year 3: 10% focus on structure and 90% focus on production

You have 2 choices about which type of structure you want to give your fruit tree in commercial orchards; open center or modified central leader.

Open center pruning on pluot

Open Center Fruit Tree Structure

The open center structure is usually applied to peach and nectarine. While modified central leader is applied to many apples and pears. The end result is the same where pruning results in more sunlight entering the canopy of the tree. If sunlight is blocked from entering inside the tree canopy, it can result in fruits produced only on the perimeter of the canopy and not throughout it. This results in a higher percentage of fruit with sunburn and overall lower quality.
Fruit Tree Pruning Focuses on Structure the First 2 Years

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