
Whats Causing Warts on Limbs of My Pine Tree?

I have several Mondale pine trees and recently noticed round bumps on some
branches. I love these big trees, so I really hope I don’t have to take them
out.  I deep water once a week in summer
and once a month in winter and they have done very well so far.

Bumps or warts on limbs of Eldarica pine

I don’t recognize the problem to your trees as something serious. These rounded
bumps are probably resin pockets in the limb. It could be caused by a nonlethal
virus disease. It is also possible it could be a physical reaction to weed
killers applied nearby.
            Keep an eye on the tree and its
growth. Apply enough water and fertilizer to get eight inches of new growth
each year on older trees; 12 – 18 inches on younger trees. If the tree is doing
well on your watering schedule, then keep it. Just make sure enough water is
applied for it to drain 24 inches into the soil.

New growth on pine are called “candles” and you can see why. This new growth should be strong and vigorous in healthy trees.

            Water should be applied to at least
half the area under its canopy. Add an extra irrigation when temperatures are
above 110 F and windy.
            One application of fertilizer in the
spring of each year should be enough. When it is hot and windy (like over
110F), give it an extra deep watering. If the tree canopy is thinning the tree
may need water or fertilizer or both.

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