
Lawns Keep Weeds out from Its Density

Q. I have lots of weeds in
my lawn and the more I pull it out, it seems the more comes up! Besides
spraying with Roundup, what can I do?


A. The density of a lawn prevents weed problems. Weeds
invade your lawn because the lawn is not thick enough to “choke out”
existing weeds and prevent weeds from getting established.
            A lack of density can be from too much shade, mowing the
lawn too short, disease or insect problems, not applying fertilizer often
enough or a lack of water.
            Mow at least once a week. Mow tall fescue at a 2 inch
height above the soil. Never mow or “weed whack” tall fescue below 1
1/2 inches in height. This opens the lawn up for weed invasion.

Line trimmers used 2 edge lawns like this one managed by a landscape company cuts fescue too short which encourages invasion by Bermuda grass.

            Bermudagrass lawns need full sunlight. Tall fescue lawns
should receive no less than 75% of full sunlight. Some people will say 50% but
I think that’s right on the edge. If it’s less than 75% sunlight, remove or
decrease the amount of shade by pruning trees causing this shade.
            How do you know the percentage of shade? Look at the
ground under the canopy at noon. The amount of shade is easier to estimate
during this time of day. If it’s 100% shade, open up the canopy with a few
pruning cuts that remove entire limbs from the trunk.

By looking at the ground beneath the tree you can estimate the percent shade.The percent shade under the canopy of this tree, not out the open, is maybe 25%, not enough for fescue to grow well.

            Lightly fertilize lawns every 4 – 8 weeks when using quick
release mineral fertilizers. In most bags of inexpensive fertilizer, half of
the rate listed on the bag is enough to apply if you are using a mulching

            Apply quick release fertilizers to fescue lawns 4 times
during the year during the major holidays of Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor
Day and Thanksgiving. Bermudagrass lawns are fertilized during the heat of the
summer but ending by September 1 if overseeding.

            Slow release fertilizers are applied in larger amounts
but less often. They are expensive but they save labor. Make sure a fertilizer
application is applied at Thanksgiving if you want to maintain a green fescue
lawn through the winter.

Osmocote is a well known slow release fertilizer

            Make sure lawns are irrigated overhead with “head to head
coverage” from sprinklers. This means that water from sprinklers are thrown far
enough to hit the neighboring sprinkler.
            Make sure water pressure to sprinklers is not above or
below the range recommended for the nozzles of your sprinklers. Inappropriate
water pressures cause poor coverage of the lawn.

            Avoid disease problems
by irrigating during the early morning hours just before sunrise.

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