
Browning on Apple Tree Is Drought

Q. see (photo) my apple tree it is not in good condition, why? Can you tell me what I can do to help my tree? 

A. Thanks for the picture it helped. That is leaf scorch and
leaf scorch is caused by not enough water making it from the roots to the
leaves during hot dry weather usually. A lack of water getting to the leaves
can be caused by soil problems such as too much salt in the soil, a lack of water
in the soil, root damage, damage to the trunk so it transports less water or
damage to limbs which does the same thing. 
When leaf scorch appears all through
the tree canopy then we can pinpoint the trunk, roots or soil. In your
particular case I think it is just a lack of water around the roots. The tree
appears healthy otherwise. Take a hose and soak the area under the tree canopy
with about 30 gallons of water. Repeat this again twice during the week. 
leaves which are already damaged will not recover. But any new leaves produced
after you begin this new irrigation should come out without scorching. 
If this
is the case, you need to add more drip emitters around the tree or increase the
number of minutes you water. Increasing the number of drip emitters is a better
solution if everything else is getting the right amount of water.

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