
Cut Oleanders down Now

Q. You had an article awhile
back about trimming oleander down before spring. I have five in my backyard and
have never done that. I am afraid to trim them down. Let me know because I am
ready to fertilize.

A. If oleanders are
getting old and unsightly you have two choices if you want to improve their
locks. You can cut them down to the ground leaving stubs about 3 to 4 inches above
the soil and they will sucker and regrow from these stubs.
eliminates flowers early in the season but it will start flowering probably
around July when it gets old enough. You can cut them back now. They grow back
very quickly when it’s warm and they have plenty of water.
second option cuts back a few of the oldest and largest stems in the same way but
leaves the smaller ones unpruned or only cut back with some of the foliage
remaining. The advantage of the second way is that you don’t leave and open
space and the remaining smaller stems will flower much earlier.
them with a hedge shears in the spring and summer removes the future flowers
and you’re faced with a green plant until it regrows and flowers.

them and water them after they are pruned. This is important if you want them
to grow back quickly.

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