
Desert Horticulture Meetup Moving to Yahoo Discussion Group

I will be moving the Desert Horticulture meetup I began to the Yahoo Discussion Group on Desert Horticulture instead. There was a charge for starting the meetup group which I didnt mind paying for six months. But when this meetup group grew to more than 50 tthen meetup wanted additional payments. 

The Yahoo Discussion group called Desert Horticulture has been in existence for quite awhile but somewhat dormant. Hopefully this will get it moving. Everyone who joins can post on it and discussion can be free flowing.

We will be working on an organizational structure for a Desert Horticulture group and new information on this group will be posted at this link.

https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/gro…­ and just ask to join. You must be approved to join which is a simple process of just asking. It helps to minimize people selling things.

Bob Morris

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