
My Pomegranate Tree Produced No Fruit

Q. I have had a pomegranate tree for five years. The
first three years it had fruit, even the first year I planted it. Last year and
this year it has had no fruit. Can you tell me what to do for it? I prune and
fertilize it the same way every year.
A. Pomegranates flower on the growth produced the same
year the fruit is produced. In other words, unlike many other fruit trees, it
flowers and produces fruit on new growth.
Pomegranate flowers

            It is
very important to prune pomegranate before it begins to flower and avoid
pruning during its growth. Pomegranate flowers and produces the best fruit on
new growth coming from older wood.
varieties of pomegranates, like yours, produce fruit when the tree is very
young. Other pomegranates produce fruit after they get a bit older. As an
experiment I would try not pruning at all this coming year and see what
When pruning pomegranate leave four or five main stems at the base and remove all other sucker growth. The best pomegranates will be produced from this older wood.

possibility could be the presence of some pretty nasty bugs such as the leaf
footed plant bugs. You say your tree had no fruit but you did not say whether
it produced flowers or not. If it produced flowers but no fruit than it is very
likely the leaf footed plant bug was hard at work on your tree.
            If you
have broadleaf evergreen trees such as bottlebrush (not pines), spray these
trees during the winter months for leaf footed plant bug. These insects hide
and feed during the winter months on trees that are evergreen or keep their
leaves during the winter.
Bottlebrush in the winter with its very different looking seed capsules resulting from the flowers.

insects will be in full force when your pomegranate begins to produce fruit.
Their feeding can cause fruit to drop from the tree at a very early age.
Safer is insecticidal soap is one example of a commercially made soap product safe to apply on plants.
            Soap and
water sprays will control them if it is sprayed directly on these critters.
Soap and water will not work if the tree is sprayed and you hope they come in
contact with it.   Chemical sprays that
appear to work well against this insect include pyrethrin sprays and those that
contain the conventional insecticide Sevin.

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