
Containers Add Benefits to the Balcony Gardening

Pepper in container

Q. I
would like to plant roses or tree roses or possibly a shrub on my balcony in
containers. They will be getting morning sun and afternoon shade. When should I
plant them? Can the pot rest directly on the plate or should there be a space
between the pot and the plate? I want to make sure it drains properly and I
don’t want the water staining my white balcony.

A. You
have a lot of flexibility in this location because they are in container soil
and receive late afternoon shade. The limitations would be the total hours of
sunlight the plants receive and winter low temperatures. Flowering or fruiting
plants need six hours of very bright sunlight at a minimum to do well.

Best times for planting are in February through April or
May. Another great time is in the fall from late September to mid-November. The
winter months are okay for winter hardy plants but plants don’t establish
quickly when container soils are cold.

Roses and other flowering or fruiting plants will be well as
long as they get at least six hours of direct sunlight. Weight is a problem on
balconies so use lightweight soil mixes that contain a large percentage of perlite
or vermiculite. These types of soils need water frequently.

Mint in container

Because of weight, stay with containers no larger than 15
gallon. The plate under the container that catching the water can be in direct
contact with the container with no problems.

If you are using tap water then about about 20% of the water
that you apply should drain out the bottom of the container to move salts
flushed and not accumulating.

might also consider vegetables, herbs and smaller citrus such as kumquat or

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