
Wood Chips and Roses

Q. I want to put wood chips around my roses to keep the weeds from returning. Is this a good mulch for the roses? Or might it attract ants or insects I don’t want?  I have not noticed wood mulch at any other homes nearby. Roses love three things when growing in Mohave Desert soils; compost applied to the soil surface, woodchip mulch applied on top of it and exposure to lots of sunlight but avoiding the heat and direct sunlight of the late afternoon. A. Roses, and nearly all plants in the Rose family such as most of our fruit trees, thrive in our desert soils when woodchips are used around them. One of their biggest benefits, besides weed control, is soil improvement. And our desert soils need massive amounts of help in this area. When growing roses in the desert give them plenty of room so that they have air circulation between the plants and through them. This helps to prevent diseases like powdery mildew.             Mulch is applied to the soil surface around plants to assist in controlling weeds, improvement of the soil, reduce the frequency of watering, keep the roots cooler and to improve good “animal life” in the soil. The best mulch is made from shredding and chipping local landscape trees.             The greater diversity in types of trees used to make woodchips, the better the woodchips are for the soil and plants. Personally, I don’t like wood chips made from palms and trees with large thorns like many mesquite trees.             Mulch is made from many sources. Anything applied to the surface of the soil could be referred to as mulch. This includes rock, gravel, sand, plastic, newspaper, old carpet but the best mulch for soil improvement comes from a wide variety of woodchips.             Weeds are suppressed with a 3 to 4-inch layer of woodchips but a few tough weeds will poke through such as Bermudagrass, palm seedlings, nutgrass and well established perennial weeds.

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Roses Growing Weaker After Installing Rock Mulch

Q. I have some well-established rose bushes (15 years) in our front yard. Five years ago we converted to desert landscape and the landscaper put about 3 inches of small rock in the area containing the roses. They seem to be healthy although the density and beauty of the blooms was weaker last year.             I’ve been using liquid Miracle Gro. Is there a better liquid fertilizer, or should I consider pulling the rock away from the bases and fertilize through the soil. Thanks.   Not the readers rose but what can happen to roses over time growing in rock mulch and little care. A. Miracle Gro products are fine but I would also add a separate iron fertilizer. Go to your local nursery and get a one pound canister of iron EDDHA. Follow the label directions but I find it more effective to mix in a teaspoon of the product in a gallon of water and water it into the rootzone of each plant. Some of the Miracle Gro specialty fertilizers. Actually any of these would interchangeable. Miracle Gro might disagree but these labels are mostly to help novice gardeners select a fertilizer for specific plants.             Each rose should get maybe one teaspoon January – March, a once a year feeding. Although best applied early, an application will work now. They should be all right if you keep it on this fertilizer schedule. Select a product that has a big middle number. There are several different ones to pick from and I don’t know their product line off the top of my head. This is the correct iron chelate to use in our high pH soils.             Feed roses about every two months lightly starting January – October. However the iron is needed just once a year. Do not neglect soil improvement as well by using composts and organic mulches that decompose into the soil. Roses will really appreciate wood mulch much more than rock mulch.

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