
Community Garden Thanks First Choice Tree Service!

A hearty thanks goes out to First Choice Tree Service and Ryans Tree Service. They helped out big time with the move of the Provident living community garden to a new location. Those guys successfully
moved 24 re-enforced concrete planter beds weighing an estimated 7000 lbs each.
Milan Weedman (certified Arborist) with first choice tre service was there to
coordinate and supervise with the help of Jason from First Choice and Ryan
Brooksby From Ryan’s tree service. 

Provident Living Community Garden has a new home and a fabulous community garden! Give those guys some thanks! Pay a visit to Milan at his blog  http://milanweedman.wordpress.com/ 

3 thoughts on “Community Garden Thanks First Choice Tree Service!”

  1. 1. Wow, whomever built those beds made them to outlast the human race. Like the decorations too!!!!
    2. The guy operating the backhoe is an artist!
    3. The soil underneath the raised beds looks so lovely. I would have hoped the raised bed improved it a bit. Guess not. Hope you transported the soil that was present in the beds to the new site as well.

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