Q. I have a Myers lemon sitting in my house waiting for the temperatures to cool down. I am using grow lights to supplement what light they need. When can I plant again?

A. It depends on your Myers lemon size, health, and the surrounding temperature. Usually that means you will wait until Fall or Spring sometime. The best time to plant is usually starting sometime in October for the Fall and late January in the Spring. Of course those in the business of planting will tell you, “Any time of the year is good to plant.”

For your information, depending on the plant and the size of its stems, plants can continue to grow without extra light. If your plants are large, healthy and receive enough light, they store extra “food” in the thickness of their stems or branches. For some large indoor plants they might store enough food to last three or four months under low light conditions if they are surrounded by cooler temperatures. Of course, that extra “food” is used up quickly under higher temperatures. The energy from light decreases rapidly with distance from the plant.