
Figs, Blueberries and Strawberries for Las Vegas

Can you give me any particulars as to growing a fig tree, blueberry bush and
strawberries?  It would be helpful if you
have any information as to the varieties of each.

One of the yellow or white figs

Figs do very well here and any variety will grow. They love this climate. You
will get two crops every year if you prune them correctly. 
Yellow figs like Kadota are milder in
flavor and usually preferred for cooking. While the

purple and “black” varieties
have a stronger flavor and used for drying, jams and preserves.

Figs will not be productive here without
plenty of water so the biggest mistake people make is not keeping the soil
around the roots moist. 
Use wood chip surface mulches to preserve
soil moisture. Treat them like any other fruit tree except for pruning. 
Blueberries are more difficult to grow in
our climate and are not a good plant for the desert. People do grow them here
and they do produce but require extra care and good gardening techniques. Don’t
grow them unless you want to put in the effort. 
Blueberry growing in Las Vegas at a home residence
Grow them in containers or tubs because
the soil is easier to manipulate. I discourage people from planting blueberries
in this climate unless they are an accomplished gardener. Learn the basics and
then you can try exotics like blueberries. 
Surprisingly good at lowering pH

If they simply must have them then they
should have a very high percentage of quality compost in the soil and the soil
covered in wood chip mulch. Expose them to as much sun as possible with
protection from late afternoon direct sunlight. 

Focus your selections on southern highbush
types with a low chilling requirement. There have been no trials conducted in
our climate so I can only guess at which varieties to try. Though varieties I
would look closely at include Misty, Sharpblue, Sunshine Blue and perhaps Southmoon.
Misty is one of the better ones in a
desert climate. Your selections should be self-fruitful. The soil will be much
easier to manage because if adding some acidifying agent such as finely ground soil
sulfur, aluminum sulfate or Organic Magic. Organic Magic That drops the pH very
fast compared to sulfur.
Strawberries are in between these two in
difficulty; not as easy as figs and not as difficult as blueberries. They require
soils similar to tomatoes for good growth; a well-drained vegetable soil with
plenty of compost.

Quinault Strawberry starting to set fruit in a container with surface mulch of pine shavings growing at Viragrow

Like any fruit crop, give them as much
light as possible but protect them from late afternoon sun. They are shallow
rooted so water them like you would most vegetables. Fertilize them just after
then finish producing which varies with the strawberry whether it’s an Everbearer or main crop type. 
Varieties are important. Stay with the Everbearing
varieties rather than main crop types when selecting for home gardens. Use a
surface mulch to keep soils moist and avoid letting the soil get too dry in the
summer months.  
There is lots of general growing advice on
the internet on things that are not as critical when growing in the desert.

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