
Figs Dropping Off

Q. My fig tree is receiving 12 gallons of water a week in
the middle of the summer. I water it for 40 minutes, three times a week right
now while it is hot. Some of the leaves are brown on the edges. The fruit did
not mature and they dropped off.
Figs drying and dropping from the tree

A.  12 gallons of water a week is not enough. Trees
at the University Orchard in North Las Vegas that are 6 to 7 feet tall and
about just as wide should get 30 gallons of water, three times per week or a
total of 90 gallons.
trees are moderate water users but the soil cannot become dry when they are producing
fruit. If it does, it affects the fruit size and quality and it’s possible it
may not develop at all.
figs are not given enough water (either the quantity is not enough or they are
not receiving water often enough) the fruit becomes small, hard and often times
drops from the tree.
don’t know how much of this water is actually getting to the roots. When
watering, enough water should be applied in a single application to water roots
to a depth of 18 inches, minimum, 24 inches is better.
water should be applied under the canopy so that at least half of the area
under the canopy is wet.
a piece of 3/8 inch rebar and push it into a wet area under the trees canopy.
You should be able to push it easily to this depth. Pushing it into the soil
easily means the soil is wet. It pushes with a lot of difficulty if the soil is
a 4 inch layer of surface mulch helps keep the soil moist, reduces fruit drop
and improves fruit quality. Both rock and wood surface mulch works but wood is
better for fruit trees.

am guessing a tree that is 4 feet tall might require 15 to 20 gallons, three
times per week right now.

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