
Fruit of Flowering Plum is Edible

Q. I have an ornamental, purple leaf plum
that’s producing fruit. My dog has been eating the fruit. Is it safe to eat?
Purple leaf or flowering plum in a rock landscape

A. The purple leaf plum used in landscaping
was selected as a variant of a plum used in the orchard industry for many years.
A similar plum that produces more fruit, Cherry Plum or Myrobalan plum, is
grown for its tart fruit with a very high sugar content. Two varieties of this
plum, Sprite and Delight, are personal favorites of mine. Another variant of
this fruit tree is used as a rootstock for other plums. A very versatile plum!

Cherry  plum or Myrobolan plum fruit tree
Cherry plum fruit

purple leaf plums (there are several different types) were selected for their leaf
color and low fruit production but ornamental beauty. However, occasionally they
do produce a fair amount of edible fruit. This fruit is good for making jams
and jellies, adding to pies and pastries and flavoring gelato and juices but tart
when eating fresh.

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