
Growing Beans in Las Vegas

Q. Can I grow green beans
in LV?  If so, can you suggest a varietal
and the 
best time to plant.  Thank You!

A. Yes you can. Green
beans are grown as French (filet) beans, snap beans, beans for shelling and dry
beans. Green beans are a bit fussy as to the time of year to plant them here
because they don’t like cold soils and they don’t like hot weather. 

Royalty purple pod bean
So during the
deepest parts of winter they do not grow well and during hot weather either.
You have truly cold weather crops like lettuce, peas, cabbage, carrots,
cauliflower and radish. And you have hot weather crops like tomato, eggplant
and melons. Beans are in between.
Dragon tongue bean
Plant them in February
until they give out with the heat or even better in September until the succumb
to the cold. The best tasting green snap beans are some of the old varieties
like Blue Lake, Kentucky Wonder, Contender and Topcrop to name a few. Pole
beans are more productive than bush beans but you have to provide a trellis for

Plants dwarfed and collapsing because planted in cold soils and collar rot

Planting. Plant beans in
full sun. Beans will not germinate in soil colder than 60°F. Some varieties
develop crow rot in cold soils and die. Follow directions on the seed packet.

Put bean seeds in warm
water for 3 to 4  hours or until they
plump up before planting. This speeds up how fast they sprout from the soil.
Plant bush beans ½ inch deep and 12 inches apart. Plants in blocks can be 12 inches
apart while rows are best at 18 inches apart.

Crown rot of besn, Dragon tongue

Support pole beans. Pole
beans require the support of poles, tepees, cages, or trellises. Set up
supports when you sow seed. Air circulation is crucial to warding off disease.

Beans require even,
consistent watering. Don’t water with a sprinkler. Once every couple of weeks
wash off any dust on the leaves to help reduce spider mite problems.
Sorting French beans at Kabaru co-op in Kenya

Pick beans at the right
: pick French beans when they are pencil thick; pick snap beans when you
feel seeds forming in pods–the bean should snap when bent in the middle; pick
green shell beans when the pods are full size but have not begun to dry; pick
dried beans when the pods are stiff and break with pressure.

3 thoughts on “Growing Beans in Las Vegas”

  1. I am not sure of your question but you can make bean sprouts by germinating the seed and eating the sprouts with only the early leaves (cotyledons) have expanded and formed or earlier. Sprouts, or microgreens they are sometimes called, can be grown as sprouts from any seed not in the tomato family. Microgreens are commonly grown from beans, radishes, and many vegetables grown as root crops. I use the least expensive untreated seed I can find or leftover seed.

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