A jar test is a relatively simple method for determining the soil texture of your soil.
Why should you be interested in the soil texture of your soil? Because knowing the percentages of sand, silt and clay in your soil, or in other words it’s texture, you can make some educated guesses about how much to water, when to water, how much to fertilize and when to fertilize. It costs you nothing except the time and materials you are willing to commit to it.
What You Will Need
You will need a clear quart jar such as a mason jar used for canning, a lid for it so that you can shake it, 1 teaspoon of liquid dish detergent, tap water and a composite soil sample from your yard.
Taking a Soil Sample from Your Yard
Soil Is Composed of Sand, Silt and Clay
But these mineral components are all mixed together in your soil. The jar test separates out these three components and by measuring them in the jar, you can determine the percentages of each in your soil.
Sand. The largest size to particle in the soil. If we were to expand its size to the size of the White House, the silt particle would be the size of a limousine parked in front of the White House and the clay particle would be about the size of an orange sitting on the seat of the limousine parked in front of the White House. So it’s easy to see these particles are vastly different in size.
The Jar Test
When the jar full of water and soil is shaken, these particles settle at different rates of speed; the sand particles settle quickly because they are the largest particles. Silt particles settle out next because they are smaller than the sand particles but larger than the clay particles. The clay particles settle last and may take many hours or even days to settle. Your soil has settled into layers of different sized particles which oftentimes have different colors. The soil in the jar has finished settling out when the water above the soil is clear.
Separation all the soil particles due to settling through the water. There is a difference in sizes of the particles and a slight color change in the layers that indicate their separation. |
Determining Soil Texture
You must determine the percentages of sand (bottom layer), silt (middle layer) and clay (top layer) against the total soil volume that settled in the jar.
1. Measure the total depth of the soil in the jar. In this case, the total depth of the soil was 2 1/8 inch.
2. Calculate % of sand, silt and clay. Dividing the size of each layer by the total soil measurement approximately:
52% Sand
33% Silt
15% Clay
The Soil Textural Triangle
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The soil textural triangle is a measurement of the percentage of sand silt and clay. These percentages determine the textural name the soil is given. |
Our soil has 52% Sand, 33 % silt and less than18%Clay. We will name this soil a LOAM, but nearly a Sandy Loam.
My lot is very gravelly-should I remove the little rocks from the sample?