
Minor Differences between Snap and Sugar Snap Peas

Q. Have had much success
with sugar snap peas, but lately I’ve been planting sugar snap peas and getting
snow peas instead.  Is it because the
seed is old? 

Flowering of snap peas

A. I’m not sure the
difference you are seeing between these snow peas and snap peas. Snow peas have
flat pods when young and we see them frequently used in stirfry. Snap peas, or
sugar snap peas as they are sometimes called, have round pods when they are
young and not used conventionally in stirfry.

New growth of bush form of snap peas

            Snap peas, when they first emerge, are flat. As the seed
inside the pod begins to enlarge the pod becomes round. If you pick snap peas
too early they will look like snow peas. When harvesting snap peas, wait a
little bit longer for the seed to enlarge and the pod to become round. But harvest the pods before the seed becomes
mature. If you wait too long, the seed contains more starch rather than sugar
and not as sweet.
            The differences between the two are genetic so it should
have nothing to do with the age of the seed. Snap peas were genetically bred from
their ancestors, the English or garden pea and snow peas, to be less fibrous
when they are young.

            You also might be
referring to the “strings” in the pod or how tough the pod is. If strings are a
problem, harvest when very young or the pod may get tough when older. If you’re
having problems with strings, remove the strings from the pods before using
them and start harvesting earlier.

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