
No Lemons on My Lemon Tree

Q. My tree has been in the ground for six years and each
year I get plenty of new growth, leaves and flowers. The problem is, no lemons
at all. I have applied fertilizer and even 
miracle grow–no luck. What do you suggest other than removing the tree
and starting fresh?
A. The usual reasons for no lemons is either freezing
temperatures after they bloom that kill the flowers or small fruit (usually in
January or February) or irregular watering that causes trees to stress and drop
flowers and fruit before they can mature.
A light freeze will kill flowers
and fruit without damaging the tree. If you have been pruning the tree, stop
pruning it. Fertilize it once a year in January or February. Put a surface
mulch of wood chips around the tree at least 6 feet in diameter and 3 inches
Cover the tree with a sheet or
light blanket if temperatures during the winter approach freezing. Put a basin
around the tree and fill the basin with water each time you irrigate. Avoid
watering daily. Skip at least one day between irrigations.

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