
Plants for a Fourth Floor Apartment Facing North

Q. I have a 4th
floor apartment facing north. Any suggestions for plants on the porch
which can survive winter in Las Vegas?

A. Below is a list
of shade accepting plants that will take our cold winters.  I listed all
different size plants because you did not specify size requirements.   A
good source for info on particular plants is snwa.com under
Spider Agave (Agave
Soap Aloe (Aloe saponaria)
Guara-pink and white (Guara
Variegated Flax Lily
Yew Pine (Podocarpus
microphylla or macrophylla)
Japanese Aralia (Fatsia
Gold dust Aucuba (Aucuba
“Gold Dust’)
Asparagus Fern (Asparagus
Foxtail Fern ( Asparagus ‘Foxtail’)
Bay Laurel (Laurel nobilis)
Heavenly Bamoo (Nandina domestica)
Ivy (Hedera species)
Hope this helps.  Feel free to contact me
with other questions.
Andrea Meckley
Certified Horticulturist
Contact Andrea at [email protected]

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