
Pollinators vs Pollenizers and Citrus

Q. I reached out to you a couple of years
ago regarding the lime and lemon trees we planted about three years ago. 
Here they are, both are filling out and growing taller.  My question is
why no fruit?  This year we had two tiny limes and no lemons.  We
follow fertilizer instructions. The tag on the lemon and lime trees stated pollination not required.
 I understood that bees are not required.  We do not recall a freeze
last spring.  

A. Citrus of all forms does not grow well in
the Las Vegas Valley. You will have good years and bad years. If there are
freezing temperatures in the spring you will have spotty production of fruit.
If it’s a warm spring with no freezing temperatures than you will have good
fruit set if you saw flowers. If you saw no flowers, there will be no fruit. 

All Fruit Trees Need Bees

When you see flowers make sure that you see some honeybees. To attract
honeybees to your yard plant some rosemary or other herbs that flower during
the winter time that attract honeybees. Put out a tray of water and change the
water weekly to keep it clean. Water will also attract honeybees but flowering
plants in the winter that they like are better.

Las Vegas is Not Known for Citrus Production. Why?

FYI if we didn’t have freezing
temperatures here there could be a vibrant citrus production area. That
production area in the desert occurs in Yuma where it’s less likely to freeze
in the spring. Winter temperatures in Yuma, Arizona, are warmer than they are in
Las Vegas. Citrus are subtropical. Any fruit trees that produce flowers before
freezing temperatures are finished are likely to not produce fruit. That’s true
for peaches, apricots, nectarines, plums. It’s a basic rule of fruit science.

Pollenator vs Pollenizer

Saying that the trees don’t require
pollination means that they don’t require another tree to make fruit. They will
still need honeybees as pollenizers not pollinators. Pollenizers are insects.
Pollinators are other trees.

Freezing Temps Can Happen at Sunrise

Had one freeze that came through this
past spring. It’s very easy to miss if you’re not looking for it. The coldest
temperatures are just before sunrise. After sunrise the temperatures get
warmer. Use an inexpensive low temperature thermometer and check for yourself.

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