
Texas Mountain Laurel a Good Desert Landscape Choice

Texas Mountain Laurel or Mescal Bean

Andrea Meckley, Certified Horticulturist


Description:  flowering
large shrub or small tree
Mature size: 15-20 feet tall x 8-10 feet wide
Water use:  low
to medium
Exposure:  all
day sun to half day sun

Origin: Texas, New Mexico, northern Mexico
Caution: red seeds are poisonous
Flower:  purple sweet
scented blooms early spring
Hardy:  0
degrees F

Texas Mountain Laurel (Sophora segundiflora) slowly grows
naturally as a shrub or can be trained as multi trunk tree.  The poisonous seeds have a coat that is very
hard and difficult to crack limiting risks to humans and pets if
swallowed.  Native peoples used the seeds
for ceremonial use and ornamental jewelry. 
Use this plant as a hedge, screen or accent plant.

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