
Trumpet Vine Adds Color to Desert Landscapes

Trumpet vine is commonly used in much colder, arid climates. It is not a true desert plant but can tolerate arid environments and poor soils. It does really appreciate amended soils, wood mulch and regular irrigations. Fertilize once a year in February with a fertilizer that promotes flowering of woody plants. It is a climber and under the right conditions can be extremely aggressive. Restrain with pruning the longest and most aggressive.

Usual complaints are that the vine grows slowly or poorly. Make sure it receives enough water and mulch the base with wood chips. It may not do well in extremely hot microclimates.

Trumpet vine over a wall in Las Vegas

1 thought on “Trumpet Vine Adds Color to Desert Landscapes”

  1. The complaint in El Paso or Albuquerque is how its roots sucker far away from the original plant, choking out small spaces or gardens where you want smaller plants nearby. Not that I don't like Trumpet Vine for waste spaces, hiding utility poles, where that's all there will be growing.

    Now, I mostly use Cross Vine / Bignonia capreolata…it's semi-evergreen or even evergreen. Almost as tough, but no suckers! 'Tangering Beauty' is a variety I see sold over here.

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