
Which Citrus Should I Grow in My Desert Climate?

Citrus is meant for subtropical and tropical climates. Learn which how to select, grow and maintain this type of fruit in our desert.

Citrus grown in the Las Vegas valley

2 thoughts on “Which Citrus Should I Grow in My Desert Climate?”

  1. This is very informative. I have grown naval orange trees in Las Vegas and Mesquite for years. I have never really had any fruit to speak of. The trees grow well and look healthy. Every year they have tons of little oranges and they all fall off. I water deep about 1-2x per week in the spring and up it to every 3 days per week in the summer. I use citrus fertilizer in early spring and fall. My soil probably needs some compost. I will add worm casting compost to it and add wood chips as you suggest. Any other thoughts on why they drop the fruit each year?

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