
Early Summer: Too Late to Plant?

Q. I was going to plant some Cypress trees a month ago but was called away on a family matter. Is it too late to plant cypress trees and a few fruit trees this time of year or should i hold off till next year? A. Now is not the best time to plant in our hot desert climate. It should be done in early spring or even better, mid fall when temperatures are beginning to cool off.             It should be okay to plant now but make sure to dig the hole, and amend the soil going into it, before planting. Water the hole thoroughly and transfer the plant into the hole as quickly as possible to minimize transplant shock. As you are adding amended soil back into the hole, make sure everything in the hole is wet.             Put a basin around the plant and fill it for three consecutive days before turning it over to the irrigation system. Little known fact: The most important roots during planting, feeder roots, are small and delicate and can die within 10 to 15 seconds when exposed to the outside air. The more that die, the more “shock” the plant has and recover time is longer.

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Every Landscape Architect Should Know This about Desert Soils

Desert soils have characteristics which make them unique among all the other types of soils. These characteristics encompass its chemistry, structure, biological activity and consequently how plants respond after planting. Desert soils are stable under a desert climate. Once manipulated they are no longer the same and impact management decisions long after landscapes have been installed. Surface of typical sandy loam soil in the eastern Mojave Desert of Las Vegas, Nevada, with no organics in it Rainfall and Desert Soils Desert soils are characterized by the desert climate where they were formed and the rocks or geology that decomposed to form them. The dominant climate feature of deserts that impact soils the most is rainfall. Not total rainfall, but effective rainfall. What’s the difference? Total rainfall is the amount of water that falls from the sky. This is measured using rain gauges. We hear it on the news. “Total rainfall yesterday was one quarter of an inch.” But that is not effective rainfall. Effective rainfall is the amount of rain that actually enters the soil, stays in storage and supports plant growth. This can be far less than total rainfall. If total rainfall comes down slowly then a higher percentage is “effective”. If rain falls in a torrent, much of it runs off the surface and therefore a much smaller percentage is “effective”. For deserts in general I have heard the magic number “40%” tossed around to convert total to effective rainfall. Personally, that sounds high to me for the Mojave Desert because the soils are much different than other deserts in North America. The primary reason they are different? The amount of plant material present. Why is there a different amount of plant material? Rainfall. Give the Mojave Desert more rainfall and the soils change. Amount of Rainfall Dictates Number, Size and Type of Plants The amount of rainfall dictates the size, number and the type of plants found in deserts. For example, compare the size, quantity and type of plants growing in the “lush” Sonoran Desert (with an average of ten plus inches of rainfall) versus the more barren Mojave Desert (four plus inches of rainfall). Most parts of the Sonoran Desert receives 150% or more water than the Mojave. More rainfall supports a greater number of plants and these plants tend to be larger. Eastern Mojave Desert near Las Vegas, Nevada By adding more water to desert soils through irrigation, the size, number and type of plants will or can be increased… artificially. Little else needs to be done to the soil than add water IF plants which originate from deserts are used. Let’s call these “desert plants”. Desert Plants Better “Tolerate” Desert Soils This doesn’t mean that desert plants don’t appreciate soil improvement but desert plants are better suited in “tolerating” the unimproved soil conditions of a raw desert soil. When propagating prickly pear cactus (nopal cactus) from pads in the Sonoran Desert of Mexico it is a common practice to amend the desert soil with manure at the time of planting. In a demonstration of growing these cacti from pads in the Mojave Desert with and without soil amendments I have witnessed a substantial improvement in growth when compost is added to the soil rather than applied to the surface after planting. Desert Soils Change When Irrigated When “effective rainfall” is increased artificially, desert soils change chemically, biologically and physically. Soils that were relatively unchanged for thousands of years, stabilized at around 2 inches of effective rainfall, now receive 50, 60 even 90 inches of effective rainfall. It’s silly to think nothing will change. As the saying goes, “Somethin’s gotta give.” Unless a footer is constructed well, desert soils “settle” when irrigated as they change Changes to the soil occur rapidly as a result of this much “effective rainfall”. Minerals in the soil that were stable, like gypsum or limestone, begin to solubilize quickly. Chemical changes occur. The pH of the soil begins to drop as plants grow and plant roots pump out carbon dioxide into the soil which dissolves in water to produce carbonic acid. Roots of plants constantly die and regenerate providing food for microorganisms. As these microorganisms begin to colonize these “enriched” soils, they pump more acids into the soil. Changes in soil pH might be faster if a unit change was linear. Changes in pH are not linear. They are logarithmic. A change of one pH unit is similar to a one unit change in seismic activity on the Richter scale. A one-unit change equals a factor of 10. Little Rainfall = High Salts Desert soils commonly have an abundance of salts because of low rainfall. Salts are removed from soils by flushing them with water. Salinity of a soil drops as elevated amounts of “effective rainfall” wash these salts past the root zone of plants. Salts move from the soil in the irrigation water as this water dissolves salts, wicks to new locations and evaporates Artificial Desert Rainforest Just as the “effective rainfall” of an irrigated urban landscape is not natural, the number and size of landscape plants installed in them is not “natural” or sustainable without this irrigation. Other “inputs” are needed to sustain this “artificial desert rainforest”. The type of inputs needed are dictated by the type of plants selected for a desert landscape. One of my favorite sayings is, “The further our landscapes drift from a true desert environment, the more time, energy and money is needed to sustain them.” Mass Planting and Irrigation Create Fertilizer Demands We know there are 16 or 17 nutrients that plants absolutely need to stay alive. Some of these like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur are needed in large amounts. Others, considered minor elements, are needed in much smaller amounts. If the solubilized minerals in the soil don’t release nutrients fast enough to keep plants healthy, then additional fertilizers must be supplied to make up the difference. Even though a soil can be rich in nutrients, plant demand

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Grubs in a Lawn or Not?

Q. We have had our lawn nearly 20 years without any problems until this year. It is developing brown spots in the lawn that we think might be grubs. We applied a grub killer we bought from a local nursery and the brown patches are continuing to grow. But now we think maybe the problem is not due to grubs. A. After nearly 20 years I would think that your lawn is a mixture of several types of grasses. Unless you are extremely diligent in taking care of your lawn, I would guess that you have a mixture of grasses including older tall fescue and common Bermudagrass. 90% of the problems on lawns in the hot desert are related to irrigation. The next most common reason for brown spots to occur in lawns is from disease. Insects like white grubs is not all that common here on tall fescue and bermudagrass. But it can happen. Make sure this is not an irrigation problem Turn on your irrigation system and watch the sprinklers. They should pop up out of the ground perfectly straight and not tilted in any direction. The water should spray evenly from the nozzle in all directions. After you run a normal irrigation cycle, use a long screwdriver to judge whether the soil is wet in the brown areas. Brown spots caused by grubs Information you will find on the Internet about damage caused by grubs comes from cooler parts of the country where Kentucky bluegrass is the common lawn. We seldom grow that here. Our grasses are primarily tall fescue and Bermudagrass. When tall fescue gets damaged by grubs, it doesn’t lift up like a carpet.  That information is wrong for us. If grubs are causing damage to a tall fescue lawn in our hot, desert climate, individual grass plants will pull up easily at the edge of the damaged area. Pull on green grass In several places right on the edge between the damaged area and a healthy lawn. If green grass pulls up easily from these spots then your lawn has a good chance of having grubs. Any of the grub control chemicals should stop it if you follow the directions exactly. Scott’s Grub-ex granular is a good product as well is the Bayer product you mention. If you go in this direction, use just one of them. Disease If irrigation and grubs are not the problem, then it is likely a disease problem by default. Disease problems run their course and then they are over when the weather changes. If this problem repeats every year, consider applying a fungicide as soon as you see a problem beginning to develop. Fungicides are preventive. Aeration You should consider aerating the lawn if it hasn’t been done for a while. This helps to open up the soil for better water movement to the roots. It can help to prevent disease problems. You can aerate the lawn anytime but the best time is in the spring months before it starts to get hot. Dethatching or Vertical Mowing Consider removing dead grass from the lawn if the lawn feels “spongy” when you walk across it. Removing this dead grass requires a power rake and should be done in mid fall or very early spring to give the lawn a chance to recover and grow a little bit before winter or hot weather. Importing Disease Problems Some lawn diseases can be carried into your lawn from other lawns. Improve the general health of your lawn by using a good quality lawn fertilizer or applying a thin layer of compost to the lawn during the spring or fall.

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Best Planting Soil for Bamboo

Q. I have a few questions I’m hoping you can answer. In a couple weeks, I’ll be planting a tropical clumping bamboo in 80ft of planters. I’ve read a lot about the best soil and all research indicates the plant prefers sandy loam on top of peaty soil. From my novice experience, I’m thinking this means l will first create a layer a soil with plenty of organic matter, and then top it with sandy loam. Do you sell these two things? Also, I believe I’ll need a compost to mix in the loam as I’m planting the bamboo. I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about your tomato lady soil from a good friend of mine, and hope you will be able to help me have a green thumb! A. You can create this soil layering if you want and we have products to do it but growing a clumping bamboo is not so difficult. Using our Garden Soil Mix as a backfill for your bamboo will work just as well and less expensive. The biggest worry with clumping bamboos are their tolerance to freezing temperatures. Most of these types of bamboos are sensitive to freezing temperatures. With some mulch covering the soil during the winter they will easily regrow from the base if these temperatures occur. Tomato Lady Soil Mix can be purchased in bulk or in bags.  If it were me I would save your money and use either Garden Soil Mix or Tomato Lady Soil Mix which has more added ingredients than the Garden Soil Mix.

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Making Compost in Trash Cans is Slow

Q. I’m composting in plastic trash cans with holes. It’s taking a very long time to make compost despite adding carbon to my grass clippings and kitchen waste. I water and turn it every few days. What am I doing wrong?  A. There could be several reasons why.  Large Volumes Perform Better Perhaps the volume of compost is too small. If the amount of compost is too small, it will never produce enough heat on its own. If the air temperature is cold and the compost pile small, the composting process will be very slow. Wind             Maybe it’s too windy. Composting is difficult in areas where there is significant wind or too much sun. Compost develops better in shady areas of the yard without wind. Nitrogen             The compost ingredients might not be high enough in nitrogen. Compost ingredients are divided into two categories; “brown” ingredients which are loaded with carbon and “green” ingredients which are loaded with nitrogen. Compost should have significant amounts of “green” ingredients or use animal manure. Too Dry or          The compost may be too dry or too wet. Compost needs to be moist but not sopping wet. Compost is like a living organism; it needs air to “breathe” and moisture.             Microorganisms are needed in the mix. I reserve a small amount of compost from the previous mix to act as a “starter” for the new mix. Or I will put in a couple of pounds of garden soil just for the microorganisms.

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Strawberry Success in Mojave Desert Soil and Climate

Q. How well do strawberries grow in our Las Vegas climate? When is the best time to plant and fertilize them? Any other tips? A. Strawberries will grow and produce fruit in our Las Vegas climate. Its not the ideal climate but they will grow and produce fruit. The best tips I can give is to plant them in the right location, at the right time of year with the right type of soil amendments, a.k.a. compost. Strawberry produced in the Easter Mojave Desert of Las Vegas             They grow best in full morning sun but given some shade during mid to late afternoons. They need about 6 to 8 hours of sunlight, the same as most vegetables. This means the east side of buildings and walls are best. Do not plant them in areas exposed to late afternoon sun because they do not handle the heat and intense sunlight well. Which strawberry is best?             Use ever bearing types of strawberries that produce through most of the season rather than the so-called “main crop” strawberries that come on all at once.             The best fruit is produced during the spring and fall months when it is cooler. Many of the common ever bearing types like Quinault, Chandler and Ozark Beauty produce well here. When to plant?             Plant them any time in February or March when you see them available but don’t wait for temperatures to get hot for planting. Some people prefer fall planting but they are harder to find. Actually, the best time to plant is in the fall if you can find them or get young plants or “runners” from friends and neighbors. Prepare the soil             Before planting, make sure the compost content of the soil is adequate because strawberries like rich soils. Soils need compost mixed with it to a depth of 8 to 10 inches deep. Use a 1 to 2 inch layer of compost mixed into the soil.             Planting depth is critical on strawberries. Make sure the soil drains water easily otherwise they will get root rot and die during the heat. Plant how far apart?             Plant 12 inches apart. New plants from runners. Remove them or peg or secure them into open areas between plants. When a strawberry patch becomes too crowded, the old plants should be removed or the area replanted with young plants. Crowded plants do not produce fruit or flower.             Just like most vegetables, fertilize them lightly and frequently with your favorite tomato or rose fertilizer, about every 6 to 8 weeks. Yes, I said to tomato or rose fertilizer because they need the same nutrients as roses and tomatoes.             When temperatures get warm, cover the soil surface with mulch. Straw is frequently recommended but I like to use horse bedding rather than straw. Horse bedding is usually made from pine shavings and they decompose in the soil quickly compared to straw.             Strawberries do very well with drip irrigation and light shade cloth (30 to 40% shade) during the summer months or protection from late afternoon sun.

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Understanding Nematodes and What to Do

Nematodes are microscopic roundworms found everywhere but quite common in managed soils. A fertile soil may contain billions per acre. Most don’t cause plant damage. The ones that do are called plant parasitic nematodes because they feed and rely on the energy and nutrients derived from plants. Good Nematodes Some parasitic nematodes are beneficial such as the so-called entomopathogenic nematodes that parasitize insects. They parasitize many different types of soil insects including so-called “grubs” like white grubs and other larvae of butterflies, moths, beetles, and flies. Some parasitize adult crickets and grasshoppers as well. These can be found marketed under several different trade names. Nematodes are not a huge problem in most turf and landscapes. Some may never encounter them. But when they are present, they draw a lot of attention because they are difficult to control. Nematode damage falls into that category of “out of sight out of mind”. But once plant damage from nematodes is identified, they are no longer “out of mind”. There are “good” nematodes and “bad” nematodes. This particular type of nematode actually attacks “bad” grubs in lawns There are two primary groups of nematodes that concern us in horticulture; those that feed upon plant roots and those that feed on plant foliage. Those that feed on plant roots live their entire lives in the soil. Those that feed on plant foliage spend most of their time above ground, feeding on leaves and succulent stems. Nematodes are General Feeders Most nematodes do not just attack one type of plant but might feed on a number of different plants. Generally speaking, nematodes that feed on plant roots can damage turfgrass, ornamentals, nursery plants, houseplants or tropicals and greenhouse plants. Nematodes that feed upon plant foliage are, for the most part, restricted to ornamentals, nursery and greenhouse plants. Nematode infested roots Sometimes we discover soil dwelling, plant parasitic nematodes when infested roots are exposed during soil preparation. The most common soil dwelling nematode is the root knot nematode. They leave behind root nodules or “swellings” on the roots. But most of the time we see above ground plant symptoms which cause us to inspect the roots. Aboveground clues to a nematode attack to the roots include leaf yellowing and scorching, leaf drop and poor or stunted growth. Roots showing the nodules that can be indicators of nematodes Sound familiar? Nematode damage can be confused with nutrient deficiencies, drought, salt problems, root damage, under or over fertilizing and plant disease. However, depending on the type of nematode, root damage may vary from the presence of galls to the stunting and decaying of roots. In some cases, nematode damage might be confused with root disease. Root damaging nematodes Types of root damaging nematodes include the stunt nematode, lesion nematode, ring nematode, cyst nematode, spiral nematode, and lance nematode which produce other symptoms. These include shortened or stubby roots, malformed roots that are multi-branched, darkened or browning lesions which resemble plant disease which frequently accompanies nematode damage. Mulberry showing slow growth due to nematodes infesting the roots of this tree. Partially overcome with high fertilizer applications. Damage from nematodes that feed on foliage are easier to identify since plant symptoms are easier to directly trace back to nematodes. This type of damage frequently occurs in greenhouses. Why? Nematodes need a moist environment to survive and spread. The higher humidity of greenhouses and the presence of surface water on plant leaves contribute to these types of nematode problems. Nematode infested roots of tomato Most references refer to the presence of “angled lesions” that result from the feeding of foliar nematodes. Perhaps a better description than “angled lesions” is “brown spots on newly attacked leaves that are not round but longer than they are wide”. In advanced stages, severely attacked leaves may turn brown and die which masks the presence of these lesions. In cases like this, search for leaves that are more recently attacked to verify these “angled lesions”. Nematode damage to turfgrass is common in warm climates and may resemble some turfgrass diseases, soil compaction, nutrient deficiencies, herbicide injury among others. Symptoms from nematode damage may gradually enlarge as much as three feet per year. Machinery that comes in contact with soils, such as aerators and hand tools, may spread nematode infestations with equipment. A common symptom occurring due to nematodes is a lack of a response from applied fertilizers. How to control nematodes? Nematodes are nearly young impossible to eliminate using traditional pesticides without killing infested plants. Prevent nematodes from entering the property through exclusion. Most problems develop when soils, composts, soil mixes and plant materials are brought in from unreliable sources. Reduce the spread of nematodes through sanitation. Clean equipment and tools between worksites that have been in contact with infested soils. Have you ever thought of growing vegetables in containers? Soils contaminated with nematodes are easily changed. Recognize that the presence of nematodes is not always bad. In the past, the general recommendation was to improve plant and soil health so that plants “grow ahead” of their damage. There is quite a bit of evidence that increasing soil organic matter through the use of compost and organic surface mulches, particularly in arid and desert soils, helps keep nematodes in check. It is thought that compost from organic matter stimulates micro and macroorganisms antagonistic to parasitic nematodes. A population of nematodes antagonistic toward plant parasitic nematodes is an important tool used to keep undesirable nematode populations in check. Compost amendments seem to be the most effective types of organic matter for keeping nematodes in check. For low organic matter content soils, such as arid or desert soils, there is a direct relationship between controlling nematodes and the nitrogen content of the soil due to additions of compost or chemical fertilizers. North America is estimated to be the largest market for nematicides; pesticides aimed specifically to control or kill nematodes. Nematicides sales are predicted to dominate the agrochemical industry from 2015 to 2020. That’s the size of our

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Circular Holes in the Leaves Starting Early Summer

Q. I have begun to notice crescent shaped chunks being taken from my roses…probably at night since I do not see them during the day.In the Caribbean I notice a similar pattern on certain flowering plants which turned out to be leaf eating ants that could be traced back to their nests by following the parade of marching flower petals.We spray for ants and scorpions monthly and I have not seen any ants.From this I conclude it is a flying insect.Is there such a creature as a leaf eating BEE here in the Las Vegas Valley?If so, what should I do to prevent continued defoliation?I appreciate your advice; you have never steered me wrong. Leafcutter or Leaf Cutter bee damage to leaves A. Great deductive reasoning! Very close. Leafcutter bee. We tell people to leave them alone if tolerable. http://xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com/2014/05/leafcutter-bee-perfect-circles-now-seen.html http://xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com/2014/09/leaf-cutter-bees-destroying-leaves-on.html

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Problem Tree Structure Should Be Done Early

Q. We have a Crape Myrtle tree planted from a 24 inch box. It is multi trunked. One of the lower trunks is crossed by a large branch from another trunk. I was wondering if I could gently coax this branch back into a new location? I don’t want to remove it because it will leave a large gap in the canopy. This Crape Myrtle should be restrained from gaining too much height too fast to encourage a dense flower display. Its too late to move any of the main limbs to a new location now. It would have been possible at a much earlier age. A. Small, young branches can be bent, twisted and secured into new locations. They are much less pliable starting after the first year of growth. They are most pliable during the first year and the beginning of their second year of growth. They are most pliable when new growth is just beginning up until about two months after growth begins. Limb spreaders used on this fruit tree are forcing second year growth to a new location. The infarstructure of the tree was established during the previous two years Old Branches Should be Removed             Sorry, but older branches must be removed. They cannot be bent into new positions. These branches are too old to bend without breaking or snapping off. Use a sanitized handsaw and remove it close to the trunk. The cut does not have to be treated in any way. In a couple of years, with some proper pruning, it will not be missed. How to do It             The side with the hole you created after pruning will have a lot of new growth the first year, particularly where limbs are exposed to sunlight. Remove new suckering growth except perhaps 8 to 10 growing where you want them. Desirable new growth would be growing outwards at different locations along the trunk at 45° angles from horizontal.             If the tree needs three or four new suckers, leave eight. Rub out anything growing inward or crossing as soon as you see it. Removing undesirable growth early causes the remaining suckers to grow faster and stronger into new branches.             Force the tree to become “bushier” and denser by removing strong, vertical growth. Keeping it “bushier” and dense helps provide a good floral show each year and restrains its growth. Remove unnecessary growth with hand pruners any time during the growing season. When to do It             Major limb removal requiring more than a hand shears should be done during the winter. All Crape Myrtles produce flowers on new growth. This means pruning during the winter is the best time to encourage increased flowering.             During the winter, find branches growing vigorously vertical and remove them where they begin their upward growth. Reducing plant height by removing growth that is strongly vertical helps keep the plant denser and more “floral”. Remove these branches at a “crotch”, i.e. just above a limb growing outward. Do not leave a stub. Restrain new growth             Branches longer than 24 inches growing anywhere on the tree should be cut back to about 18 inches in length during the winter.             If you have rock covering the soil underneath the tree, it will start having nutritional problems in a couple of years. Apply bagged compost to the rocks beneath the tree and water it in. If this is unsightly to you, auger vertical holes multiple places in the soil around the tree to a depth of 18 inches. Fill these holes with compost.             The best compost I have found for this purpose in the Las Vegas area is available from Viragrow in North Las Vegas. Don’t add any fertilizer if you use this compost. It has plenty naturally in it already. Every other year lightly sprinkle the same compost over the top of the soil and water it in.

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How Can I Get Tomatoes Bigger?

Q. I have a tomato garden 4 ft x8 ft x 1 foot deep. Every year I put three new plants of Early Girl, Champion, and Roma varieties of tomato in this bed. I redo the soil every year and plants get very big with lots of flowers and tomatoes. My tomatoes only get about 2 inches in diameter. What am I doing wrong? Tomatoes produced in the Mojave Desert including Celebrity and Beefmaster A. All three varieties of tomatoes are solid producers for the desert. Other varieties that should perform well for you include Patio, Jet Star, most of the smaller cherry and grape tomatoes. None of these varieties are “beefsteak” type tomatoes but smaller in size and have been solid performers here for many years.             Small fruit is not necessarily a bad thing. Smaller fruit are frequently more intensely flavored than larger fruit coming from the same variety. However, we are conditioned to think that bigger is better. Celebrity tomato in a winter garden Water             Provide enough water so that plants are not stressed. Water is an extremely important, limiting factor when it comes to fruit size. If plants are water stressed when fruit is gaining size, the result will be smaller fruit.             Schedule watering before the heat of the day begins. Soil moisture monitoring is important but what can be more important is the use of mulch on the soil surface when air temperatures reach about 80° F.             The soil should stay evenly moist and not widely fluctuate between excessively dry and sopping wet. Surface mulch helps do this. It doesn’t have to be thick. ½ inch covering the soil is deep enough, like dusting with powdered sugar. Renew it as soon as you see the soil surface again.             Straw is recommended a lot. I don’t like it much because it’s hard to work into the soil at the end of the growing season and it’s no longer inexpensive. I like things that dissolve easily into the soil like shredded newspaper, rice hulls, pine shavings used for animal bedding, etc. Yes, these types of mulches can rob the soil of nitrogen but if you’re constantly feeding your vegetables it won’t make any difference. Pepper growing in 5 gallon nursery container with surface mulch of animal bedding (pine shavings) Soil Improvement             Encourage deeper rooting through soil improvement. Make sure the soil is amended, biologically active and easy to work before planting. A good quality compost mixed in the upper 8 inches goes a long way toward better rooting. A garden trowel should slip easily into a properly amended soil. Soil Pro Compost from Viragrow Fertilizers             Fertilizers improve fruit production. Use a pre-plant, high phosphorus fertilizer when planting. One phosphorus application at the beginning of the growing season is enough to boost flowering and fruiting.             Don’t forget the easily forgotten last number on the bag, potassium. Potassium has never been linked to fruiting but is very important in general health and well-being.             Apply light, monthly applications of nitrogen to the soil to keep plant performance at its peak.             This has nothing to do with the size of the fruit. You have to start rotating your tomatoes into new growing spots or you’re going to have problems. Please read about rotating vegetable crops.

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